What exactly is affinity chromatography?
Chromatography has seen several developments throughout the 20th century. The term chromatography comes from the Greek words chroma, meaning “color”, and graphos, which means “to write”. This is because the technique was primarily used to separate plant pigments such as chlorophyll during its first years of existence. New chromatography techniques have been developed since then.…
Read MoreWhat is ion exchange chromatography?
Chromatography is one of the most important techniques in the study of biological molecules. Thanks to chromatographic separation techniques, the unique properties of proteins, amino acids, and other molecules can be isolated, analyzed, and used to create new scientific developments. What is ion exchange chromatography? Ion exchange high-performance liquid chromatography is a scientific analysis…
Read MoreWhy is reversed-phase chromatography used?
Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography has become one of the most popular methods to separate molecules in the pharmaceutical industry. In recent years, reversed-phase chromatography has become the industry standard for precise and reliable proteomics analysis. What is reversed-phase chromatography? Reversed-phase chromatography is a chemical analysis technique used to drive the separation process of a…
Read MoreWhat are antibody drug conjugates (ADC) characterization?
ADCs are a novel and impressive clinical development. ADC characterization allows scientists and drug manufacturers to understand the physical and chemical properties of ADCs, improving their creation methods and development. What is ADC in immunology? Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are biopharmaceutical drug products designed for the treatment of various forms of cancer. The molecular buildup of…
Read MoreWhat exactly is gene therapy?
Genetic engineering has revolutionized the way scientists think about diseases. New technological advancements like gene editing have allowed medical researchers to alter the composition of DNA, a groundbreaking technique that has led to the development of gene therapy. What is gene therapy? Gene therapy is a novel treatment method that uses genetically engineered medicine to…
Read MoreWhat are antibody-drug conjugates?
The cure for cancer has long been sought after by modern medicine. While traditional approaches to treating cancer have often produced unsuccessful results, antibody-drug conjugates promise to change that reality. What are antibody-drug conjugates? Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are biopharmaceutical drug products. ADCs are bioconjugates that possess a complex chemical composition. The molecular structure of…
Read MoreWhat is plasmid DNA?
Plasmids have been essential to the development of molecular biotechnology. Any novice scientist entering a molecular biology lab can expect to be assigned to create, modify and construct plasmids. Thanks to advancements in plasmid DNA construction, medical researchers have been able to create a wide variety of medicines and treatments.
Read MoreWhat are monoclonal antibodies?
Monoclonal antibodies are one of the most promising processes for the future of medical science. Monoclonal antibody treatments are changing the way doctors approach severe diseases, from cancer to inflammatory diseases and even to treat covid-19. Furthermore, biochemical research and the development of new therapies are made more efficient with the use of molecular antibodies.
Valentia Analytical completed a move from Hayward to a beautiful location in Warm Springs, Fremont, CA. The new place is much sunnier. While we love the atmosphere of the new area, it is for the significantly larger size that moved. We are accommodating for new capabilities including CE-SDS, CIEF, ELISA and BIOASSAY. Most important, the…
Read MoreISO17025:2017 Annual Accreditation
Valentia Analytical successfully received its annual accreditation to ISO17025:2017 in August 2021. There were no observations and company received the highest positive outcome rating upon conclusion of the inspection. This success reflects its sustained Commitment to Quality!
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